So we went on a 10 day road trip. We went from Las Vegas to Boulder CO where we stayed with Aunt Allison for 4 days. We had so much fun there. After that we went over to Steamboat Springs, where we may be moving to next summer. Nothings for sure yet, but we wanted to check it out. From there we headed to Bountiful, UT, my old stomping grounds. We got to see family and friends there. Then moved on Orem where we stayed with the Wrights (and I got sick), then we headed home, but went back to St. George the next week and stayed with Gma and Gpa Taylor for 4 days. The pictures are not in order but here they are:

Grandma Marley. We had lunch with her, Grandpa, Ricky and Aunt Deena. It's always good to see them.

Ellee & Abbey Johnson and Makayla at the Conference center in SLC. It was soo good to see Brent and his kids. I miss them so much and wish they hadn't moved up to Utah, but I get why they did. His girls have gotten so big and I can see so much of Aimee in them it makes me smile and cry all at the same time.

I think this picture was taken in Bountiful, but honestly, I don't remember. This is the problem with not doing these when they happen. :-)

Makayla and Lucy - Gramma Barb and Grandpa Mike's doggy. They were posing for a picture and right before the picture was taken lucy jumped up and kissed Mak on the cheek. It was so cute!

We went to the Denver Zoo while we were there. Makayla had a blast with all the animals. She's a pretty good poser! Here is the Elephant with the "huge nose." lol

Aunt Allison, Makayla and the Elephants.

Mak posing with the Giraffe's. She really liked seeing them, they were so tall.

Here we are at Nate's FAVORITE restaurant Rock Bottom. They let kids make their own pizza's there. It's pretty funny because Makayla wanted sausage on her pizza, but when it came back all cooked, she picked all the sausage off. LOL

Daddy and sleeping Chyler at Aunt Allison's house. She has such a cute house. We had a lot of fun and it was A LOT of driving! I can say that was my first real road trip. When your dad is a pilot, you don't drive anywhere, you fly. We even flew to Ogden from Bountiful one day just for breakfast. So this was a new experience for me, a good one, but new. On the way from Las Vegas to Boulder (a 12 hour drive) we left at 9 at night and got to Boulder at 8 in the morning. Nate didn't get tired until we were 45 minutes from Boulder. He's a rock star!!