Our Girls

Our Girls
I love that they have each other

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My very cool brother

On October 9th, my very cool little brother broke his leg. It was not a good day because Halloween is his favorite holiday and he goes nuts!! He had to have surgery and now has metal in his leg holding the bone together. Well, back to the part that he is very cool, he decorated and went crazy anyway. The kid is soo creative and nuts! Here are some pictures followed by a video.He carved that pumpkin himself.
The wooden box would rattle whenever anyone would walk past, David built it completely! Seriously impressive!
Scary skeleton man that has a video below.
I think this is my ex-boyfriend. ;-)
He made this thing, not from a kit, he saw a similar thing on YouTube and decided to make it. Seriously, the kid rocks! It was fun sitting in his house and listening to kids scream as they came up to his house.
This was obviously during the day, but it was cool!

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