Makayla and Chase had sooo much fun!! We took them over to Tom Sawyers Island, which is incredibly fun! Not if you don't like stairs, but it ireally is cool! You could spend several hours over there with little kids. I don't remember ever really going over there, but let me tell you , it is worth going just for the bathrooms! Okay, the bathrooms aren't that cool, but the hand dryers in there are! I'm not kidding they are not regular hand dryers, they are like something that you put your hands in and it blows the water off your hands like a car wash dryer. It's freaking cool! I made Nate, David and Garrettson all go in there just to experience it. Gosh, the things that amuse pregnant women! LOL
As for the 25 weeks, I am officially 25 weeks pregnant today! YAY!!!! I'm getting bigger and bigger (as you can tell in the above picture) and she is moving more and more all the time. I love it!! This is what makes pregnancy fun! I'm slowly hitting the point where I have the mild freak out about the baby coming out one way or the other, but i'll get over it soon! :-) I can't wait to meet this little girl, and Makayla keeps getting more excited! She will come give me hugs and then give a seperate hug to my belly and give kisses, on my belly button, to her "sissy." I can't wait to see them together!