I have nothing festive to say at all. I'm still prego. I'm at 37 weeks now and this ending of the pregnancy is very different than Makayla's. With Mak, I had braxton hicks contractions, which didn't hurt for about 2 months. So far, I've had braxton hicks contractions and real contractions for the past 4 weeks!! Real contractions hurt! I don't remember them from Mak, cuz I only had about 3 hours of them and that's all . . . I'm okay with that, this new turn of events isn't the most fun. Also, as of 4 weeks ago, I was 80% effaced, dialated to a 1 and the baby has dropped . . . way low! As of this morning at 10:30, I'm still dialated to a 1, the baby is low, I'm just now almost completely effaced. OOh, big progress - hold me back.
In case you can't tell, i've hit the uncomfortable, tired, honery . . . ya know, all the bad parts of pregnancy. The other day, I cried all day, why? I don't know, there was no reason, it was stupid! Well, I have 3 weeks left until my due date and I am probably going to go till then. However, there is a solar eclipse this week, and they are warning pregnant women to stay inside (the crazy people that is!) LOL. I'll try to keep updated. Love you all!!
You look beautiful! Congrats on the shower! I bet you will be outside during the eclipse :) Something tells me preg or not preg, you're a bit of a rebel :)
You are so cute! Good luck these next 3 weeks. I hope that baby comes sooner than later for your sake. Love you!
I'm not even having the baby and I'm getting impatient! You still look fabulous for having a bun in the oven. I bet Nate is excited to start bringing food to church again!
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