I just wanted to say that I have some of the greatest friends in the whole world. I treasure each and everyone one of you who have ever come into my life I am so thankful for all the good, bad & ugly that you have shared with me and allowed me to be a part of. For those of you who I don't get to talk to often enough, I miss you. For those who I get to talk to often, I hope you know how much you mean to me! I love you all and am grateful for your friendships.
Our Girls

I love that they have each other
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Madness

Well, Twilight is mushy romance crap, really with Vampires mixed in. At least no one has ever disagreed with me when I have said that to those who have read the books. Even my best friends in the whole world have been sucked into this madness, and are trying their dangdest to convert me. I'm stubborn, what can I say!
With all that said, I did go to the movie yesterday with about 15 women from my ward and my old ward. It made me laugh so hard to see all of them together and eager for this movie. The best part of the whole thing was when Edward walked onto the screen the first time and THE WHOLE THEATER swooned. SWOONED! It was madness!! I laughed sooo hard. Robert Pattinson did a fantastic job, and when he was in Harry Potter 4 (yes, he was in a movie BEFORE twilight - Cedric Diggory) he was not cute. He still was not that cute in Twilight, better but still the same guys. I will have to admit however, that as the movie went on, I did start to understand the bit of the swoon that went on. It's his personality. There were times when I thought he was incredibly hot!
The movie was good. I was very glad I went and saw it, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I did also tell all my friends that I would probably read the books after I saw the movie, so I should probably be true to my word, it's just hard. I've stuck to my consistant protest for several months, but I can see the appeal. So, I will probably pick up the books, but I warn all you die hards now . . . if it's as mushy romance as I think it is, the first book is probably the only one I'll read. Again, the movie was good. I enjoyed it. The actors chosen to play the parts were fantastic! The movie was very well done and I do look forward to a sequel.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
So tonight, at Makayla's school, they did a free showing of Kung Fu Panda. We've never seen it. Makayla has, but Nate and I haven't, so we decided to go. Hey, free movie and any concessions we bought went to the school . . . which can definately use all they can get! So we talked some of our other friends into going too. It was interesting. The showed the movie on a big screen in the Lunch Room using an overhead projector. I probably would have loved the movie and laughed uncontrollably, but . . .
Well, it was a free movie, so there were tons of people there. Tons of kids, cuz again, it was free and it was at their school. They probably would have stopped talking sooo much if they had turned off the lights, but they never did. Either they couldn't cuz of fire codes and what not, or they just chose not to because there were a ton of little kids everywhere. Oh, and all Makayla wanted was popcorn, they kept running out of popcorn. We literally got popcorn 10 minutes before the movie ended, and Nate had bought it 10 minutes before the movie started!! It was crazy! Oh well!
It was a fun night even though it sounds like i'm whinning, it was an adventure and we gave money to the school, that's what matters. Although we are going to have to rent Kung Fu Panda so that I have any idea of what went on in the movie! :-)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Red Mountain Music Company
So tonight is a my final concert with the Red Mountain Music Company, 7:00 at Cashman Theatre. The main reason is because I was called last week into the Young Women's Program as Laural Advisor. I'm soo excited and I can't wait! But the activities are on Wednesday nights, and so is rehearsal for RMMC, and I haven't quite figured out how to be in two places at once. The other reason, and this is a very sad reason for no more RMMC, is that Jeffrey, David & Wendy are resigning from RMMC tonight. This will be their last performance. This is very sad news for me. I feel like as long as the choir is going the world is still spinning.
I first got intot he choir in 2002 because of my friend Leah. I have since made amazing friends and grown so much as a singer. Jeffrey is soo talented and has such patience with us. He always directs this choir to amazing heights. David is one of the most talented pianists I have ever seen in my life! You should see his hands when he is playing King of the World. Amazing!! And Wendy, it's rare when you met someone so genuin and sweet as Wendy Randall. She is pregnant with her 5th baby and so I completely understand the decision that she has made. I understand David and Jeffrey's decision as well. I'm just sad.
Thank you Jeffrey, David, and Wendy for the memories, the good times, the confidence and the opportunities that you have given us to be a part of something amazing!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
So today, November 9th is FANTASTIC day! There are three birthdays that I get to celebrate today.
There is Riley Farr, she is 3 years old today and the third of 4 girls in her family. She always makes me giggle and my very favorite thing about her is when she says discusting! It's sooooo funny! I wish I could put a recording on here so you all could enjoy it. It's awesome! Nathan is constantly asking her to kiss his toe just so she'll say, "Nooooo (with a little scoop), that's discusting!" She's a cutie, and I want to give her a Happy Birthday Wish!
(Riley as Cinderella at Halloween)
Next is Nicole, my beautiful sister (actually Nate's sister, but everyone thinks she and I are sisters) She is amazing and I am sooo grateful that I finally have a sister that is soo wonderful and we get along sooo well. She usually makes everyone VERY aware of her birthday at least 30 days in advance, however, this year she is pregnant with her first baby (YAYAYAYAY) I am soooo excited, but because of this, she hasn't hardly mentioned her bday at all, so I am doing it for her!! HEY EVERYONE, IT'S NICOLE DOANE'S BIRTHDAY!!! Love you Nicole! I am grateful for you!!
(Nicole & Her Best Friend Julie)
Finally, and very importantly, It's Cindee's Birthday!! I did a short mention of this in my previous post, but felt that she needed a full post about birthdays. I was supposed to be with my bff for this fantastic day in which I am sooo grateful for her birth I don't know how to express it properly. Cindee has seen me through good, bad, ugly and everything in between. Our friendship has been tested over and over but I love her so much that there is probably nothting that can occur to stop me from loving her. She is an amazing woman that you all would be as lucky as me to call her a friend. It's funny cuz she and I technically grew up together. We lived two blocks away from each other; went to church together for several years; have gone to the same school since Kindergarten; but didn't become friends until I talked her into going to Dixie College with me when we were the only two Seniors in our Seminary Class at Bountiful High School. We went to Dixie and the rest is history! I am sooooooooo eternally grateful for being the only seniors in our Seminary class, for that is what made us become friends, well, pluss we also had the same car: a 1988 blue Nissan Sentra. :-) I love her sooo much and don't know where I would be without her today!
Cindee, I love you and hope that this year brings about amazing things for you!! Have a fantastic birthday and know that I would be lost without you!!
Great Website
So I've been on the phone all morning with my bff Cindee (It's her birthday! Happy birthday Cindee!!) Anyway, because I couldn't be there for her birthday we decided we'd be on the phone all day. We did ok with that, about three hours this morning. Nate and Makayla were so sweet to let us do that! Anyway, while we were on the phone I was looking through this funny little catalog we got in the mail, it's called Uncommon Gifts. It's got some very funny, very unique gifts in there! I recommend you all check it out! www.uncommongifts.com.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I hope everyone had a great halloween and I look forward to seeing pictures! We had a great time. We went to a party at Carie's house (she's one of the founders of MetroMamma). Anyway, the McNeil's know how to throw a party! They had a giant bouncy castle on one end of their street and a hugemangous bouncy slide on the othr end. In the middle was a ton of tables and lots of food! There were a bunch of people there. Carie and Ian have a fantastic neighborhood where everyone knows everyone and they are al friends! It's amazing! There were awesome costumes everywhere. There was fun for the kids, socializing for the adults and just a safe, fun environment for everyone! Here are some pictures:
Here is Pyper (Tinkerbell), Makayla (Sweet Heart Bat), Riley (Cinderella) , and Amanda (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle - Raphael to be exact!) Hannah, Pyper and Riley are Mike & Amanda Farr's Girls.
Mike & Nathan - you get to guess what they are . . . Maybe I'll tell you what they are later. ;-) I want guesses!
Carie McNeil (Wonder Woman - Ian choose it and was VERY excited about it!) Leah Mamone (Cute Dorothy, her boys were the Tin Man and the Scarecrow) and me. Not quite sure who I really am, but someone said I was the princess from the Princess and the Pauper. I just like the dress, my mommy made it!
And finally, the Taylors . . . All of us together!
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