So today, November 9th is FANTASTIC day! There are three birthdays that I get to celebrate today.
There is Riley Farr, she is 3 years old today and the third of 4 girls in her family. She always makes me giggle and my very favorite thing about her is when she says discusting! It's sooooo funny! I wish I could put a recording on here so you all could enjoy it. It's awesome! Nathan is constantly asking her to kiss his toe just so she'll say, "Nooooo (with a little scoop), that's discusting!" She's a cutie, and I want to give her a Happy Birthday Wish!
(Riley as Cinderella at Halloween)
Next is Nicole, my beautiful sister (actually Nate's sister, but everyone thinks she and I are sisters) She is amazing and I am sooo grateful that I finally have a sister that is soo wonderful and we get along sooo well. She usually makes everyone VERY aware of her birthday at least 30 days in advance, however, this year she is pregnant with her first baby (YAYAYAYAY) I am soooo excited, but because of this, she hasn't hardly mentioned her bday at all, so I am doing it for her!! HEY EVERYONE, IT'S NICOLE DOANE'S BIRTHDAY!!! Love you Nicole! I am grateful for you!!
(Nicole & Her Best Friend Julie)
Finally, and very importantly, It's Cindee's Birthday!! I did a short mention of this in my previous post, but felt that she needed a full post about birthdays. I was supposed to be with my bff for this fantastic day in which I am sooo grateful for her birth I don't know how to express it properly. Cindee has seen me through good, bad, ugly and everything in between. Our friendship has been tested over and over but I love her so much that there is probably nothting that can occur to stop me from loving her. She is an amazing woman that you all would be as lucky as me to call her a friend. It's funny cuz she and I technically grew up together. We lived two blocks away from each other; went to church together for several years; have gone to the same school since Kindergarten; but didn't become friends until I talked her into going to Dixie College with me when we were the only two Seniors in our Seminary Class at Bountiful High School. We went to Dixie and the rest is history! I am sooooooooo eternally grateful for being the only seniors in our Seminary class, for that is what made us become friends, well, pluss we also had the same car: a 1988 blue Nissan Sentra. :-) I love her sooo much and don't know where I would be without her today!
Cindee, I love you and hope that this year brings about amazing things for you!! Have a fantastic birthday and know that I would be lost without you!!
Cheers to everything you said about Cindee! I love that gal too :) She's awesome!
Oh, hearing about Cindee brings back so many Dixie College memories. Where is she living? How is she? We seriously need a Dixie College Roomie Reunion!! Tell her hi for me - and happy birthday too.
Happy Birthday to you all...I don't even know you, but if Shannon loves you then you all must be pretty special!
Umm. . .Why am mentioned 2nd?! WTF? ;o)
Thanks for the shout out! Thnks for my fabu gifts too!
Love you!
I went in age order! Relax little one! I love you!
Cindee is absolutely the best. She was my BFF for years. So glad that you two had each other through college.
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