Well, Twilight is mushy romance crap, really with Vampires mixed in. At least no one has ever disagreed with me when I have said that to those who have read the books. Even my best friends in the whole world have been sucked into this madness, and are trying their dangdest to convert me. I'm stubborn, what can I say!
With all that said, I did go to the movie yesterday with about 15 women from my ward and my old ward. It made me laugh so hard to see all of them together and eager for this movie. The best part of the whole thing was when Edward walked onto the screen the first time and THE WHOLE THEATER swooned. SWOONED! It was madness!! I laughed sooo hard. Robert Pattinson did a fantastic job, and when he was in Harry Potter 4 (yes, he was in a movie BEFORE twilight - Cedric Diggory) he was not cute. He still was not that cute in Twilight, better but still the same guys. I will have to admit however, that as the movie went on, I did start to understand the bit of the swoon that went on. It's his personality. There were times when I thought he was incredibly hot!
The movie was good. I was very glad I went and saw it, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I did also tell all my friends that I would probably read the books after I saw the movie, so I should probably be true to my word, it's just hard. I've stuck to my consistant protest for several months, but I can see the appeal. So, I will probably pick up the books, but I warn all you die hards now . . . if it's as mushy romance as I think it is, the first book is probably the only one I'll read. Again, the movie was good. I enjoyed it. The actors chosen to play the parts were fantastic! The movie was very well done and I do look forward to a sequel.
YOU WILL LOVE LOVE LOVE THE BOOKS! Edward is even more wonderful in the books. You won't regret it, and, by the way, I thought he was still pretty cute on Harry Potter when he played Cedric Diggory, but is way cuter in Twilight ;) ;) I'm proud of you for going to see the movie even if you've been protesting :) Love ya girl!
The problem with the movie for me was, is that in the book,they make Edward out to be the best looking guy in the whole entire world.... and in the movie I thought he was kindof well... weird looking. I am like you though, I am not that into the books, I haven't even read the third one all the way through, but I too did enjoy the movie and would probably see it again, to see if Edward grows on me more.
I loved, loved, loved that movie! But, I loved the books even more...so get reading girl!!
I was definitely NOT interested in reading the books as much as everyone said I should, but opposite of you it was the vampire part I was against. I'm all for the mushy love stuff. Haha. After the movie came out (which I have not seen) I am going to read the books. I just have to see what all the hoop-la is about...
I kinda vetoed the books too, however, I succumbed to peer pressure and decided to read the 1st..I have to admit it, I really like it...so far! Iwon't go see the movie until I finish the book. Happy reading!
I haven't been sucked in yet either. It didn't sound like my thing. But I've heard that the movie stayed VERY close to the book, so if you liked the movie, there is probably some hope for the books.
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