Our Girls

I love that they have each other
Friday, December 12, 2008
It's about time!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Madness

Well, Twilight is mushy romance crap, really with Vampires mixed in. At least no one has ever disagreed with me when I have said that to those who have read the books. Even my best friends in the whole world have been sucked into this madness, and are trying their dangdest to convert me. I'm stubborn, what can I say!
With all that said, I did go to the movie yesterday with about 15 women from my ward and my old ward. It made me laugh so hard to see all of them together and eager for this movie. The best part of the whole thing was when Edward walked onto the screen the first time and THE WHOLE THEATER swooned. SWOONED! It was madness!! I laughed sooo hard. Robert Pattinson did a fantastic job, and when he was in Harry Potter 4 (yes, he was in a movie BEFORE twilight - Cedric Diggory) he was not cute. He still was not that cute in Twilight, better but still the same guys. I will have to admit however, that as the movie went on, I did start to understand the bit of the swoon that went on. It's his personality. There were times when I thought he was incredibly hot!
The movie was good. I was very glad I went and saw it, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. I did also tell all my friends that I would probably read the books after I saw the movie, so I should probably be true to my word, it's just hard. I've stuck to my consistant protest for several months, but I can see the appeal. So, I will probably pick up the books, but I warn all you die hards now . . . if it's as mushy romance as I think it is, the first book is probably the only one I'll read. Again, the movie was good. I enjoyed it. The actors chosen to play the parts were fantastic! The movie was very well done and I do look forward to a sequel.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Red Mountain Music Company
Sunday, November 9, 2008
(Nicole & Her Best Friend Julie)
Great Website
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Mike & Nathan - you get to guess what they are . . . Maybe I'll tell you what they are later. ;-) I want guesses!
Carie McNeil (Wonder Woman - Ian choose it and was VERY excited about it!) Leah Mamone (Cute Dorothy, her boys were the Tin Man and the Scarecrow) and me. Not quite sure who I really am, but someone said I was the princess from the Princess and the Pauper. I just like the dress, my mommy made it!
And finally, the Taylors . . . All of us together!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Forgetting my age and paying the price!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
SUV Choir
If any of you ever have the chance to see it, don't pass it up!! You will get a renewal of faith and a testimony builder. I have been so blessed by this choir! It has strengthened my testimony every time I get to go.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Quick run down, I went to Sara Bareilles last weekend with my cute friend KT!! SO MUCH FUN!! I promise to write more on that later. Also, I am headed off to Seattle this weekend with the SUV Choir to spread the word there. I AM SO EXCITED I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!
I promise that when I get home from Seattle, I will fill in the blanks and give more deets about the happenings and events of the Nathan Taylor clan.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sunday Conference - 2 in 1
Sunday Morning Session:
President Eyring - Unity is coming - it's been the topic of talks for years. "We are doing better," but it will be harder in the future to maintain unity, but we can do it. We can't have unity as individuals - WE have to do it together. Unity brings us joy. 3 principals of unity:
- Revelation - the only way our hearts can know the truth
- Humble - pride is the great enemy of unity. The children of God have more in common than they have differences. Differences can help us grow
- Speak well of each other - "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
Elder Hales: Contention - nothing good comes from it. Love our enemies - it takes Faith & Strength & Christian Courage. "Standing with the Savior takes Christian Courage." We must never become contentious when discussing our religion. Meekness is not weakness, it's Christian courage. True disciples speak with quite confidence, not boastful pride. High ground is whee the light is - the first light in the morning and the last light at night.
Keith McMullin: A man filled with the love of God is no content with blessing his family alone - he wants to bless the whole world. Church Welfare Program is heavens help in practical ways. Another way to ask for help is to pray - he won't always take our afflictions from us, but he will comfort us through them.
Elaine Dalton: "In the strength of the Lord, I can do all things." Return to virtue. One virtuous Young Man or Young Woman can change the world. We need to exercise more self discipline.
Elder Ballard: Pioneers - Saints driven west. No enemy will stop or frustrate the progress of the word/work of God. we have 13 + million members, and last year (2007) the 1 millionth missionary was called to serve in this dispensation. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing. From Joseph Smith to Thomas S. Monson, the church has gone forth boldly, nobly and independently. Much has been done, but much more is still to be done. We are all needed - we cannot sit back and be idol. We must Believe, work, serve, and overcome and those who came before us did. He isn't asking us to die as marters, but He is asking us to live a disciples life.
President Monson: Nothing is as constant as change. "Lessons in this life help us distinguish between what is important and what is not." There is no tomorrow to remember if we don't do something today. Do not assume that those around us know we love them, we need to tell them more. Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved. Be happy in whatever place you're in. "No room in the Inn" was not a singular rejection of the savior, just the first - yet He still invites us to come unto him. We need to adapt to changes in our lives, enjoy the journey, Realize what is important.
Sunday Afternoon:
Pres Packer: Saints persecuted and driven out of Missouri. In every nation we are to be law abiding, contributing citizens.
Elder Nelson: Men and women are that we might have joy. We will have joy as we obey Gods commands. "Marriage between a man and woman is sacred It is ordained of God." Salvation is an individual matter - exaltation is a couples matter. The earth was formed and the Church restored so that families could be sealed for eternity. Marriage is not just between husband and wife, it involves God as well. No blessings will be withheld from faithful latter day saints.
William Oswald: 3 Essentials to effective teaching:
- Show love to those you teach & call them by name
- Teach from the scriptures
- encourage the pondering of Gospel truths.
Eduardo Gavarret: Our homes. Family homes, ward homes, stake homes. We have responsibility to help those who aren't here with us.
Carlos Godoy: Testimonies. The spirit is not a loud and booming voice, it's calm, quiet, gentle.
Elder Cook: Unfortunately, i didn't get to hear this one. :-(
President Monson: may we remember the words spoken at these conference sessions. Heavenly Father is mindful of the challenges we face. may we be men and women of honestly and integrity. May we be mindful of others around us.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Sat Morning Conference
Elder Perry: Todays world, and getting back to the basics. Such a relevant talk to the things that we deal with today. Modesty, morality, financial struggles. LOVE HIM!!
Sister Allred: How to be a better missionary.
Neil L. Anderson: Faith is a decision. We need to have faith as little children, "except ye become as little children, ye can in no wise enter into the kingdon of God."
Marcus Aidaikuis: Book of Mormon - read it, pray about it, follow the direction that our loving Father in Heaven gave us freely.
Elder Oaks: Sunday and Sacrament; Sacrament is our part of commemorating the Sacrifice and atonement of the Lord. LOVING THIS TALK!!! Very specific on how we should act, dress, and treat Sacrament meeting. Spoke directly to the Priesthood holders who officiate over the sacrament about worthiness and preparedness.
Elder Uchtdorf: HOPE!! He is so full of love and understanding. A gentleness that I wasn't aware of in him until RS broadcast last week. Hope is like a beam of Sunlight. With hope comes joy and happiness, with hope we can bear our afflictions. Hope is critical to both Faith and Charity. Hope is the basics!!! "The greater our hope, the stronger our Faith. The more pure our Faith, the stronger our Charity."
Was a fantastic Session!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Happiness & Truths
The General RS presidency spoke, and they did great jobs!! I enjoyed Sister Allred's talk about Temples - I always love to hear about the Temples, they are amazing and fantastic!! If you haven't had a chance to go, get there!! Even if it's just to the grounds! And I really Enjoyed Sister Thompson's talk on Service. She speaks very well. But the highlight of it was Elder Uchtdorf, who is awesome!
Elder Uchtdorf, for those of you who aren't members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the second counselor in the First Presidency of the Church. He addressed the trials that we face as women, and did not, in the least negate or tell us that they weren't important. In fact, it was the opposite. He told us that every struggle, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is big to that individual, and he understands, and feels for each one.
Admittedly, I am HORRIBLE with short term memory, and won't do his talk justice. But the thing that stood out the very most to me, was instead of waiting and wondering where the answers were to our prayers, he told us to think of the last time we were an answer to someone else's prayers. I thought that was awesome. I have had people come into my life who were answers to my prayers.
While I was going through my hardest times, my bishop counseled me to pay attention to the spirit and do whatever thought came into my mind. I found that the spirit directed me a lot! And it was in all areas of my life. So, I am going to do my best, to continue to listen to that spirit, and hopefully strive to be an answer to someone (or several) prayers. I believe that if we try to do that, our own prayers would be answered, and we would have more peace in our lives.
I encourage all of you to watch or read, especially Uchtdorfs talk from the General RS broadcast. And especially to watch General Conference next weekend. I don't care what faith you are or aren't, there are fantastic words of wisdom taught in those 4 sessions and in this scary world we live in today, a little peace and encouragement is always nice.
I love you all!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Stuff and Stuff
Last Wednesday Makayla came home from school happy and ready to play. I went to change her clothes and all down the right side of her body were . . . spots!! Chicken pox!! ("the pox, the pox, how delightful the pox!! - name that movie!!) Well it wasn't delightful, but it also wasn't itchy, and she had no fever. So I called the Dr. They said they won't see kids with the chicken pox, so I had to watch them for 24-48 hours, if it was the pox then they would scab over, if not, bring her in and we'll see . . . yeah right, but I'll get to that story in a sec. Anyway, so she had to stay home from school on Thursday and Friday - no scabbing, no itching, no fever. She was BORED out of her mind!! In fact on Thursday afternoon she asked if she could go play, i told her no and she said, "oh this is BORING! Let's hope this doesn't happen again!" I laughed; Mak is funny! Anyway, Friday, same story second chapter.
Well Saturday rolls around, and I am set to go with Danielle to find a wedding dress (which we found and it's GORGEOUS!! Daniel is going to die!! Anyway, so Nate decides to take her to the doctor. Apparently our original Dr. has moved to California, and has been replaced by an older lady who apparently can't see!! She took a look at them and said, "well it's not chicken pox (duh!) and it's not an allergic reaction (never thought it was) it must be a bug bit!!!" Are you freaking kidding me!?!?! 37 bug bits and she didn't feel a thing and the spots had little white heads?!? She didn't even test them!! Well, it turned out to be Rosiola. It only lasts three days, and honestly, by Saturday afternoon, they started fading. By Monday they were practically all gone!! I'm done with dumb doctors and RIDICULOUS insurance premiums that we have to pay huge deductibles for!! I'm all about moving to Canada!! Veltman, make room for us! :-)
Makayla is continuing to do well in school. She is enjoying it and making lots of friends (and even has a little crush!) She won't tell me about it, but she tells Cindee about it and Cindee tells me. Friday, we had the Fall Festival. That was crazy and fun. Makayla got to do the Cake walk, get her face painted, get a heart balloon made, and have fun with friends from class as well as Thomas and Chase. I meant to take pictures, but during the cake walk, she was dancing around the circle and I thought i was going to die laughing!! It was soo funny! I did video it, but no pictures. Sorry.
As for Nate, work is just busy, crazy and dumb. That's my opinion. Although he was able to come home early and pick Makayla up from school, which she loved! He is now a veil worker at the temple which is nice. Other than that, he still tries to sneak in xbox time, but i told him no more shoot em up games around Makayla. So that's put a major damper on his time.
Me, I'm still working and being busy. I still LOVE my job! MetroMamma is the best job I think I have ever had. I've had struggles and frustrations, but overall, it's amazing!! Perfect I get to take Mak to school head to work, leave work and pick Mak up from school. So in her mind, I am a stay at home mom! It's fantastic!
Well, I think I might have blabbed on long enough. I'll write more often so they aren't as long anymore. Okay? Bye for now!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
It's True!
Monday, September 15, 2008
First Time
Okay, so this is Nathan. This is the first time I am attempting the Blog thing. I have spent the last 2 hours setting up Shannon's new Computer. I am extremely jealous!!!!! It happens to be the coolest laptop I have had the privilege to use. Now the Computer is being reposed. Shannon wants to play with her new toy, so I will say adios. Until next time!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Mak's Bday, the short story!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Birthday Fun
This pics bigger cuz there are more people in it to explain. From Left to right: Jordan Ballard, practically a member of the Family. Our families are about as close as two families can be. Gpa Mike, Gma Barb and Aunt Allison all love to spoil Makayla rotten! It's awesome!! :-D (those would all be Jordan's Family, and my second Family) Next is Chase, he is a mini me of my brother David and also his 2 year old boy. The kid is just about as cute as a little kid can be!! He is so much fun and full of energy all the time (unfortunately, he fell and cut his eye open last night, it was sooooo no bueno!! ) Then there's Mak, whose birthday is on Sunday Sept 7. She's gonna be 5! Oh, my baby is growing up!! That's my dad who is holding Mak. He's actually quite amazing, and I'm going to have to do a seperate blog all about the AWESOME things that are going on for him right now! YAY! Then there's my mommy. Isn't she beautiful!! She hates pictures, but I love her and I want to show her off. She' probably going to beat me to death for putting this picture up . . . bbbuuuuut, she'll get over it! Love you mom!!
Well, This is incredibly long I know, but it's fun to tell about my family and stuff! Hope you all have a fantastic Labor Day. We are going to be celebrating Mak's bday today! YAY!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
First week and stuff
My computer . . . well, Nate got it up and running long enough to do a complete backup so all my pictures and everything important is now saved. That made me fell A MILLION times better! And I was all excited that he got my computer working. Well, as soon as he finished backing up everything, it died again. It's not even two years old!! But eveyrone says, avoid Dell computers! maybe I'll actually listen this time!
Makayla finished her first week of school with flying colors! At her school they have a Red, Yellow & Green . . . uh . . . honor roll of sorts. Everyday, each student starts out with a Green slip - meaning they are good. Makayla has gotten 5 this week! Yay! But, lets be honest, she does have the Swint gene in her (and the Wright and the Taylor, and the Marley!) so with those powers combined, she's a bit of a chatterbox, and on Wednesday, she did get moved from a Green to a Yellow, cuz she was talking over the teacher. Can you believe it!?! ;-) Those were the only tears shed this week at school, she didn't even cry when I dropped her off her first, second or any other day. She is loving school. On Friday morning we got a moment of "I don't want to go to school," through her tired voice, but Nathan told her the magic of Fridays . . . and that there is no more school for Saturday and Sunday. That, plus her favorite outfit, made her just as excited as her first day. Poor kid, the next LIFETIME of school is going to be long! :-)
We are having her birthday party (and mine . . . sorta) on Monday! 3:00. You're all welcome! It'll be here at my house, and it's supposed to be a beautiful day. Not too hot! YAY! I'm so ready for not soo hot. I will officially be moving in to my 30's age group (after all, 30 is just the finalization of your 20's, but 31 . . . that's into it!). Makayla's official birthday isn't until September 7th, but Labor Day is always a good day to do a party, besides, Gramma Peg works Tuesday thru Saturday @ the temple, so it's pretty much our only option to at least have all the Gparents there.
Okay, i gotta run now and get ready. I have 1 minute before I told myself time was up, and I had to get in the shower! Ugh! Mornings! I'm sure I'll write more later!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Computers . . . GGRRRAAAHHH!
Computers = pain in the butt = frustration. I got to work this morning, and I use my personal computer at work with my own email address (shannon@metromamma.com) and then I have a work computer that I use for all other stuff. That way Carie (my boss) and I can go over stuff at home if needed. (it's fun! I LOVE my job!) Anyway, computer turned on, was going through all my emails from Vendors, customers and Carie, and all the sudden, my computer went *byoiiooooop* and turned off. Now, it won't turn on. I am hoping and praying that the hard drive is fine, that just my DUMB COMPUTER went "i'm tired, and done . . . goodbye!" I have all my life on there! All my pictures from the past 2 years. I will FREAK OUT! if it's all gone.
With all that said, you are all now going to have to wait for me to get it fixed, or at least get my pictures off it to be able to post any pictures again, which is what I was going to do today. Slide show of Mak's first few days at school. Which she is loving by the way! But I'll do that in another blog, a happier blog. :-)