Our Girls

I love that they have each other
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Heads up
We've lost our minds!

Road trip 10/09
Chyler's Blessing
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
All About Chyler

Monday, August 24, 2009
Makayla is totally in love with her and in fact, we can't seem to stop her from kissing her all the time. We are going to get some professional pictures done shortly so I will have those up and you can see her better. I am so grateful for my family and couldn't ask for a better one!
Monday, July 20, 2009
I have nothing festive to say at all. I'm still prego. I'm at 37 weeks now and this ending of the pregnancy is very different than Makayla's. With Mak, I had braxton hicks contractions, which didn't hurt for about 2 months. So far, I've had braxton hicks contractions and real contractions for the past 4 weeks!! Real contractions hurt! I don't remember them from Mak, cuz I only had about 3 hours of them and that's all . . . I'm okay with that, this new turn of events isn't the most fun. Also, as of 4 weeks ago, I was 80% effaced, dialated to a 1 and the baby has dropped . . . way low! As of this morning at 10:30, I'm still dialated to a 1, the baby is low, I'm just now almost completely effaced. OOh, big progress - hold me back.
In case you can't tell, i've hit the uncomfortable, tired, honery . . . ya know, all the bad parts of pregnancy. The other day, I cried all day, why? I don't know, there was no reason, it was stupid! Well, I have 3 weeks left until my due date and I am probably going to go till then. However, there is a solar eclipse this week, and they are warning pregnant women to stay inside (the crazy people that is!) LOL. I'll try to keep updated. Love you all!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Almost . . .
Monday, June 8, 2009
School's Out!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Funniest Story EVER!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Makayla's new hair & 29 weeks
Thursday, May 14, 2009
technology . . . grrrrrr
I am apparently no good at technology. Nathan came and did the EXACT SAME THING that I did, and low a behold, the stupid video uploaded!!
Well, now that it is up, please enjoy my FREAKING CUTE daughter and her class at this little mothers day program they put on for us. I would put all the video's from that day up, but again, technology hates me!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
take 2
Yeah, it didn't work. I left my computer for 3 hours and it still didn't upload. I don't know if it's the wrong format or what, but it doesn't say that, it just keeps saying "uploading video" It's not that big of a video or very long, it's like 45 seconds. Whatever!!
Mothers Day Program & 27 Weeks!!
I can't believe that Makayla's first year of school is almost over! She will be in first grade next year and it just boggles my mind that she is getting so big! Makayla will be turning 6 a month after this new baby is born. She is so excited and is "practicing" with her dolly to be a good big sister.
This was at the beginning of the program, they gave all the mommy's their lei's, after a cute song about lei's.
I'm now 27 weeks!! YAY!!! Some days I think time is going so fast, and other days it's not going fast enough! This little girl is getting quite active and having lots of fun wiggling around inside. I'm still enjoying it so that means she's not kicking too hard yet . . . but don't worry, I know it's coming. I have felt much MUCH better with this pregnancy than I did with Makayla. I still have to take my anti-nausea medicine everynight before bed, but at least it makes it easier for me to function. My biggest problem is my STUPID sciatic nerve!! No matter which side I lay on, it KILLS me! It runs down my butt cheek. I guess it's good that it's not going down my leg, but my butt is bad enough. Here are some pictures. These are at Ryiah's (Nicole's daughter) blessing:
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
8 years, 9 days, & 25 weeks!!
Makayla and Chase had sooo much fun!! We took them over to Tom Sawyers Island, which is incredibly fun! Not if you don't like stairs, but it ireally is cool! You could spend several hours over there with little kids. I don't remember ever really going over there, but let me tell you , it is worth going just for the bathrooms! Okay, the bathrooms aren't that cool, but the hand dryers in there are! I'm not kidding they are not regular hand dryers, they are like something that you put your hands in and it blows the water off your hands like a car wash dryer. It's freaking cool! I made Nate, David and Garrettson all go in there just to experience it. Gosh, the things that amuse pregnant women! LOL
As for the 25 weeks, I am officially 25 weeks pregnant today! YAY!!!! I'm getting bigger and bigger (as you can tell in the above picture) and she is moving more and more all the time. I love it!! This is what makes pregnancy fun! I'm slowly hitting the point where I have the mild freak out about the baby coming out one way or the other, but i'll get over it soon! :-) I can't wait to meet this little girl, and Makayla keeps getting more excited! She will come give me hugs and then give a seperate hug to my belly and give kisses, on my belly button, to her "sissy." I can't wait to see them together!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Impromptu Family Trip
Even after my parents got to DL and said it was pouring rain, I wasn't there yet, so the SUN IS ALWAYS SHINING AT DISNEY LAND!! Do you see my faith? Well, we finally get there, and guess what, the rain stopped and the sun came out!! YAY!! We had a great day of fun and family!
Now, being pregnant, DisneyLand isn't quite as fun, however, I did get to experience rides I have NEVER been on before - like Peter Pan, Snow White & Casey Jr's Train. The only other ride I did, was It's a Small World, which I've been on before, but they did just redo it. Was a fun day to be sure!! My dad, Nathan, Jordan, David and Thomas all took off to do the Big Kid rides, while the mothers stayed with the little kids and kept them entertained. One of the best parts of the day was when we all enjoyed lunch at the Blue Bayou. It was so nice and all the kids did really good.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Compare Isaiah

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
15 and a half weeks
Saturday, January 31, 2009
25 Random Facts about Shannon
2. I love to sing. Not shocking to most of you, but I do. When I was 12, I was told that I didn't sing well, so don't try! I still love it!
3. I HATE romantic movies, books, tv shows etc. Bring on the horror, suspense, terror and any other weird things. Within that, I also hate EVIL. If it's a sck and evil twisted movie/book/or tv show, I WILL NOT watch. I don't like to feel creepy.
4. I still haven't seen Batman: The Dark Night.
5. At this exact moment, I am realizing that the last three Smallville episodes have ended with Clark and Lana kissing. No, I'm not watching Smallville, I'm catching up on Supernatural.
6. I love my choir family. I am a member of the Saints Unified Voices. They are probably the one of the greatest things that has happened to me in the past 2 years. They are amazing people who have such a love and faith in each other.
7. I have loved completely, totally and utterly.
8. I am obsessed with my daughters toes. She is five and playing with her toes is still one of my favorite things ever!
9. Once you have become my friend, you will always be my friend. I may not be the best at keeping in touch, but I will always love you. I don't think there is one person who I have cared about that I don't still think about often.
10. Magic still fasinates me. Even the simple coin in the ear trick. I love it!
11. I have read the most sick and twisted book ever. I'm not even goign to tell you the name cuz I don't want you to even look for it, but it was wrong.
12. I cannot not finish a book. May take me a year to do, but I have to finish it. Right now Twilight is my nemesis! I cannot get through it, if you're wondering why, please refer back to #3.
13. Criss Angel scares me.
14. I get crushes on people because of dreams. It last a couple days, then is over. My latest was Zachary Levi from Chuck. I still think he is totally cute, but I'm not obsessed with him like I was after my dream about him several weeks ago.
15. I almost always remember my dreams. And I usually have at least 3 a night. I wish that some of them would come true, but I hope even more that most of them never, ever do.
16. I can type 225 character per minute on a 10 key. :-)
17. I have the greatest family in the world, both immediate and extended! I absolutely love and look up to my aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, in-laws, grandparents and especially my brothers. I love my brothers!
18. I don't understand how or why my loving husband puts up with me, but I think he is the only one who can, and I love him for it.
19. I don't know how to search the internet very well. In fact, I think my grandparents do that better than I do. I go to the websites I need, and get off. If I can't find it, I ask Cindee. :-)
20. I grew up with Dogs - we almost always had one, now, I don't really care to have one ever again. What happened? Oh and I hate cats! not only am I allergic to them, they are snotty and arrogant.
21. I still think Roswell is/was one of the greatest shows on Television. That and Joan of Arcadia
22. I love living in Las Vegas, but would probably love to move more. As long as it's not to snow.
23. I hate cleaning. I hate it. But I can't stand a messy house, unfortunately, my first statement wins more.
24. I think my brothers and my brother-in-laws picked fantastic wifes!! I love them all!
25. I think Sean Connery is sexy.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Prgenancy, the good and the bad
Okay, the bad :-P I am sooooo over being sick. Feeling like crap and being constipated is not my idea of a good time. Good news is that I am moving into my second trimester, so things should start to ease up a bit. I was sick with Makayla until after I delivered her, but it did get a bit more manageable once in my second trimester. So I'm keeping my hopes up.
Over all, I love being pregnant and we are sooo excited to have a new little life in our home. Makayla wants, needs, and deserves a sibling. I think she'll be a great big sister and am anxious to see her with the baby. She says she doesn't care if it's a boy or a girl, but would like a sister. She's cute!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The Wedding